What is a pediatric dentist? A pediatric dentist is the pediatrician of dentist that has two additional years of specialty training in growth, development, psychology, and behavior of the pediatric patient.
A pediatric dentist is a specialist that has completed an additional 2 years of training at an accredited training program. This rigorous program focuses on meeting and addressing the emotional, dental, developmental needs of infants, children, adolescents, and patients with special needs. The additional training allows a pediatric dentist to best address developmental needs often results in circumventing painful or costly situations. Like a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist limits her practice to children so her practice can be geared towards the needs of children. Due to the focused nature of our practice, we are able to offer the latest technology and materials. The doctor and her staff are dedicated to delivering dental care in a way that is comfortable and appealing to younger patients.
A pediatric dentist is a dentist that has completed an additional two to three year residency at an accredited training program. These additional years of rigorous training are focused on understanding and meeting the special emotional, dental, developmental needs of infants, children, adolescents, and patients with special needs. This additional training ensures that a pediatric dentist can best address the changing needs of a child throughout growth and development, often circumventing painful or costly circumstances.
Like a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist limits her scope of practice to children so that the practice can be specially geared towards the needs of a child. Due to our focused practice, we are able to keep abreast of the latest technologies. The doctor and her pediatric dedicated staff are able to deliver dental care with behavior modifications and communication in a manner that makes the dental experience easier and positive for the young patient.
Baby teeth form in utero and can start erupting as early as 4 months. The lower incisors typically erupt first but variations in eruption are normal. When your child was born, the buds for his or her permanent teeth are already in place under the primary teeth. Permanent teeth start erupting at 5-7 years old and the process continues until age 18.
Primary teeth are important for:
- Chewing and talking
- Holding space until a very specific age for permanent teeth to erupt in the correct position.
Losing primary teeth early can result in misaligned or unerupted permanent teeth - Allow jaws and bones to develop normally
Keep in mind that posterior primary teeth do not exfoliate until 10-13 years old so it is important to keep baby teeth healthy and clean
We recommend a soft toothbrush in a shape and size recommended for their age. Children’s toothbrushes may need to be replaced more frequently as young children tend to chew and bite on their brushes. Any toothpaste with the ADA seal of approval is a good choice for your child. Toothpastes come in different colors, flavors, and packaging so choose one that appeals to your little brusher. A pea size amount is recommended for beginning toothpaste users ages 2-3 years. Remind your child to spit and not swallow the toothpaste.
Dental x-rays are safe and important for several reasons in addition to caries detection. X-rays allow us to monitor growth and development of teeth and screen for dental pathology. The typical exposure from a set of check up digital x-rays is less than the background radiation your child receives in one day.
Many children go through a period of idiosyncratic (unknown reason) bruxism or grinding and most cases do not require any treatment unless the child is experiencing sensitivity or discomfort. There may be some attrition or wearing of the teeth. Fortunately, most children outgrow night time grinding by ages 9-12.
Damage to your child’s teeth and facial structures can occur anytime they participate in sports and recreational activities. A mouthguard can prevent injuries to the teeth and facial structures while allowing the wearer to breath and talk freely. Mouthguards can be found in sporting stores and custom made by your pediatric dentist. Talk to your dentist about the differences and benefits.
Most of these habits cease on their own as children grow up or peer pressure from friends. As long as these habits cease before the permanent dentition erupt, there is no permanent damage. If you child is persistent in thumb sucking, your pediatric dentist can fit an appliance to discourage these habits.
Flouride is a natural mineral that is helpful in preventing tooth decay in both teeth that are exisiting in the mouth and the permanent teeth that are developing. Have your pediatric dentist evaluate your child’s sources of flouride and if there is a need for flouride supplemenation.
Do not put your child to bed with a bottle or nurse your child ad lib throughout the night after your child has their first tooth. Make sure to brush your child’s teeth to clear his/her mouth of milk and food before putting them to bed.