Teeth Healthy Snacks for School

Teeth Healthy Snacks for School

August 5, 2021
Image of dentist for kids

Great dental care for kids in Hacienda goes beyond brushing and flossing. A balanced diet that is rich in nutritious, low-sugar foods is also important for maintaining a beautiful smile.  If your child consumes too many sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks or starch-laden snacks at school, they could be at risk for tooth decay. Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease, but the good news is that it is highly preventable!

When to Snack

Eating frequent snacks makes it easier for bacteria to flourish in the mouth and form plaque on your child’s teeth. Hacienda Pediatric Dentistry recommends limiting the number of snacks during the day to prevent cavities.  It is not only important what you eat, but how many times you eat. Each time your child eats a sugary or starchy snack, the acid levels are higher and he or she is more likely to have a cavity during that period of time.

It is unrealistic to expect you or your child to never eat sweets or starches but a better time to eat them is during meals rather than at a separate occasion

What to Eat

While kids may not prefer ideal snacks like raw broccoli and celery sticks, there are plenty of tasty snacks you can prepare for hungry, healthy mouths. Some tooth healthy foods that your kids can enjoy at school are:

  • Plain yogurt with berries
  • Sliced, fresh fruits
  • Crunchy veggies with dip
  • Celery sticks spread with cream cheese and sunflower seeds
  • Cheddar cheese and apples
  • Unsalted almonds and coconut flakes
  • Hummus with toasted whole grain pita triangles

Sip All Day, Get Decay

Whether your child is drinking milk, juice or soda, don’t let them sip these throughout the day. Constant consumption of either food or drink is harmful for teeth because you’re feeding the cavity-causing bacteria that reside in your mouth. Limit snacking to once or twice a day and have your child sip on water. If they drink anything that contains sugar, have them drink it during mealtimes and in one sitting.

Make wise food choices an essential part of daily dental care for kids. Eating a balanced diet and flossing and brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste can help prevent cavities. Set up regular dental appointments for your kids, and rest assured that you are doing a good job taking care of those smiles!

Have more questions about how you can care for your child’s teeth? We would love to talk! Parents of children in Hacienda Heights are encouraged to schedule an appointment at Hacienda Pediatric Dentistry by calling 626-507-9982 or by filling out our Contact form.